
Rec fishers react to netting ban opposition

PRIOR to the recent Queensland state election the current Labor government promised to introduce three net-free areas at Mackay, Rockhampton and Cairns.

See previous story HERE.

Since the election, commercial fishing interests have been voicing their opposition to the netting closures in a bid to have the proposals overturned.

In response to pushback from the commercial sector, the Queensland Recreational Fishing Network (QRFN) has issued a statement in order to assist the general recreational fishing community combat misinformation on the closures being relayed to the public.

Read the QRFN statement HERE.

In related news, the ABC reports that Member for Whitsundays Jason Costigan says his position has not changed on the proposed net-free zone north of Mackay, despite accusations of a “back-flip”.

In a submission to a Queensland’s fisheries review in October, Mr Costigan advocated the creation of a net-free zone from Cape Hillsborough to St Helen’s Beach, as proposed by the Mackay Recreational Fishers Alliance.

The alliance’s president Lance Murray last week claimed Mr Costigan had changed his mind after meeting with commercial fishers opposing the plan.

However, Mr Costigan said there had been no change from his original position.

“There is no back-flip,” he said.

“The only back-flip is coming from the attitude of the proponents here.

“I am disappointed with Mr Murray’s comments. I’ve said all along, [the proposal] has got great merit.

“I support it, but at the same time I want to make the point here, you can’t just shaft the commercial [fishing] sector. They have paid good coin for entitlements to fish.

“I think there is scope for net-free zones in selected areas across the state. I think there is great scope here to grow [fishing] tourism.”

Mr Costigan said the Northern Territory had moved ahead of Queensland in terms of developing fishing-based tourism.

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