NSW South Coast based lure maker Dave Venn of JB Lures Australia fame, contacted Fisho late last week to report on several blue marlin encounters.
Venn says Jervis Bay boat X-Rated – owned by Randall Harrison – was recently trolling his lures wide off the NSW South Coast. After a run of bad luck that had resulted in several large marlin hooked and lost on the day, including two blues estimated at over 250kgs, the crew eventually tasted success (see photo right).
According to Venn, the day had played out this way:
The first fish hit the 13″ evil Dingo on the long rigger, pulled 100 mtrs and fell off, from the speed I reckon it was a blue, the next fish hit the stripey Ripper in shotgun on the only 24kg rod we had out, it ripped half a spool off in a matter of seconds before busting us off, she was around 200 plus …
The next one took the 13″ green and black Dingo on the short rigger, she put up a bit of a show pulling 200 mtrs off while turning the ocean to foam, then throwing the hook, she was around the 250kg mark.
The next one was a moose (280-300kg), she grabbed the 14″ lumo chopper on the long corner, pulled about 100mtrs before coming to the surface and thrashing about madly before going for a run and pulling the hook with around 400mtrs of line out. Our luck had to change!
The next one took the 13″ green and black Dingo and charged off on a blistering run, we finally turned her with the bottom of the spool visible through the line! An hour later we had her tagged, we swam her for a couple of minutes, and when we let her go she lit up like a Christmas tree as she swam away!
For info on JB Lures go to: www.jbmarlinlures.com