
Statement: The LNP and Recreational Fishing in Queensland Waters

Below is a statement by the Liberal National Party regarding recreational fishing in Queensland.

FISHING is one of the most popular pastimes in Queensland, with an estimated 750,000 recreational fishers in this state, who contribute $1.5 billion to the State’s economy. The LNP has consistently stood for fair outcomes for recreational fishers and boaties. Only the LNP can turn back the tide against Labor’s anti-fishing and politically driven policies.


Labor has largely ignored Queensland’s recreational fishers and has sold out their right to fish sustainably for preferences deals with the Greens. Who could forget Labor’s snapper bans that Labor MP’s voted for in the Queensland parliament? Labor and the Greens are secretly planning more bans and closures that will further strip away the rights of recreational fishers. Further, under Labor governments, the cost to fish has risen sharply and will continue if they are re-elected.


While we will have specific announcements throughout the State election campaign, there are several strategic directions that the LNP is committed to.

1. The LNP stands for Full Consultation with Rec Fishers. We have been listening to Queensland’s recreational fishers. As the Shadow Minister for Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure I have travelled across the State meeting with rec fishers and representative groups to understand their concerns and perspectives. An LNP government will consult widely and continuously with the fishing public and ensure that their views are heard.

2. The LNP stands for Fair Access for Rec Fishers. If rec fishers fish responsibly and sustainably, they don’t need to be increasingly banned from, and locked out of, large sections of inshore waters as the Bligh government is doing.  We continue to stand for sustainable fishing and protecting our marine environment, but without locking out rec fishers as the Bligh government has done and will continue to do.

3. The LNP stands for Sustainable Fishing. A large number of recreational fishers remain angered by Labor’s green politics and question the evidence-base for excluding recreational fishers from some fish-rich areas. The LNP is committed to “no new marine parks and fishing closures” and to maintain the existing three state marine parks.

4. The LNP will invest in boating and marine infrastructure so that local communities have the boat ramps, pontoons and fishing platforms that they need.

5. The LNP stands for a Viable and Sustainable Seafood Industry and to reducing pressures created by overfishing – where it can be demonstrated.

The LNP is committed to Recreational Fishing policy that is sensible and sustainable, and that:

• Gives local people a proper say in decisions that affect their community, and

• Allows recreational fishing access to inshore and inland waters at fair and sustainable levels, and

• Protects our marine environment.

It’s time for a change, and we can only change Queensland by changing to an LNP CanDo government – a government that plans carefully and acts purposefully.

Dr Mark Robinson MP | Shadow Minister for Main Roads, Fisheries and Marine Infrastructure | State Member for Cleveland

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