
Support for super trawler senate inquiry

TASMANIAN Labor Senators Carol Brown and Anne Urquhart will move a motion asking the Senate to support an inquiry into super trawlers, according to a report on the ABC.

Federal Labor has raised questions about super trawlers fishing in Australian waters and the factory freezer trawler the Geelong Star co-owned by Tasmanian company Seafish Tasmania.

Senator Anne Urquhart said the pursuit of an inquiry was prompted by ongoing community concern in Tasmania about the environmental and marine impacts of large-capacity factor trawlers.

“We need to ensure that our fisheries are managed in the most robust, transparent and sustainable manner so that our precious marine environment is protected and recreational and commercial fisheries aren’t negatively impacted,” Senator Urquhart said.

The motion asks for the matter to be referred to the Environment and Communications References Committee for inquiry.

The motion asks the committee to consider the environment, social and economic impacts of fishing vessels known as “supertrawlers” operating in Australia’s marine jurisdiction, reported the ABC.

It asks for particular focus on the impact large fishing vessels have on fish stocks, the marine food chain, bycatch and interactions with protected marine species.

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