
SURVEY: Have your say on Murray cod management

Complete a short survey and have your say on Murray cod management.

OVER the last 20 years, we’ve seen improvements in Murray cod recreational fishing across the Murray-Darling Basin. This has been achieved through the collective efforts of land, water and fisheries management agencies, researchers and recreational fishers.

In 2011, the Murray Cod Fishery Management Group (MCFMG) was set up with fishery managers, researchers and angler membership to improve collaboration of Murray cod management and research across the Basin. The MCFMG is currently reviewing its Action Plan.

As part of this review process, the MCFMG are inviting you to provide feedback on Murray cod research priorities and on-ground actions. This feedback will inform future investment in Murray cod research and management.

The short survey takes less than 5 minutes, and by completing it you’ll be supporting the management of our iconic Murray cod fisheries.

To access the survey, click HERE.

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