TENS of thousands of fishers are taking to the WA coast to try their luck at catching the mighty West Australian salmon this Easter.
With an average fish weighing in at 4-5 kg, salmon are accessible to anglers of all ages and ability. These incredible fish migrate along WA’s southern coastline every year supporting a thriving local tourism fishery and many small town economies between Esperance and Perth.
A safe, accessible and enjoyable form of fishing for families, there’s no better opportunity for kids and adults alike to land a big fish from some pristine beaches in the coming weeks.
Recfishwest CEO Dr Andrew Rowland describes salmon as one of the best sport fishing species in southern WA.
“Salmon are such an exciting species. We are lucky to have such a sport fish accessible on stunning beaches in WA.”
Chasing down fast moving lures and engulfing bait offerings, once hooked, these incredible fish put up a great fight, providing anglers and onlookers with an impressive acrobatic spectacle. Launching a lure into a huge school of salmon metres from the water gives every fisher, regardless of experience a tremendous thrill.

“Whether you catch and keep your fish, or release them after the fight, to be able to take some snaps with the kids is something that is ingrained in West Australian culture,” Dr Rowland said.
Currently being caught daily from Esperance to Perth, the salmon are passing through the southwest parts of WA and heading north. Things are looking great for metro salmon fishers right in time for Easter.
To keep up to date, join 39,000 other fishers to access real-time information and hourly updates on the location of salmon schools and catches by visiting the Salmon School Tracker Facebook Page.
Check out RecFish West’s top 3 salmon lure picks HERE.
If bait fishing is your preferred option, read about salmon rigs and techniques HERE..