MONTHLY monitoring has revealed the arrival of kingfish in good numbers on Sydney’s artificial reef. Check out some recent video below of schooling kingfish on the reef.
THE NSW DPI warns anglers shouldn’t attempt to anchor directly on top of the reef. The reef is designed to provide complex habitat for fish and anchoring on the reef will inevitably result in the loss of anchors and fishing rigs. Fish reportedly move considerable distances around the reef and for this reason anglers don’t need to be on top of it to catch fish.
With the warm bluewater fishing season now spreading rapidly down the NSW coast, DPI has completed the deployment of its fish aggregating devices (FADs) from Tweed Heads to Eden. The FADs are now equipped with GPS tracking that allows DPI to monitor their location and movements.
If a FAD does break from its mooring, DPI staff will be immediately notified and will arrange for the device to be recovered and replaced as soon as practical. This also allows DPI to notify fishers via the FADs Update email service of any FAD movements, losses and replacements throughout the season. The easiest and fastest way to stay informed of FADs in your area is to sign up to the FADs Update email service.