
Walk-the-dog technique lands 108lb king

A story Fisho received this week of a recent kingfish capture is one bizarre tale!

The story begins with South Australian Wayne McKitterick out walking his dog Maggi – part Akeeda part Kelpie – along a beach near their home in Port Augusta, Spencer Gulf – a region known for its huge kingfish.

As the pair walked along the mangroves Maggi rushed into the water and started to attack what looked like a shark. In knee deep water the dog (being part kelpie) herded the shark into shallow water, effectively raising the blood pressure of the dog’s owner…

Nearing the ankle deep water McKitterick realised the “shark” was actually a kingfish and a beached one at that. With the dog barking madly McKitterick grabbed the dog’s choker chain and lead from his pocket and put it around the king’s tail and dragged it onto the beach.

Not knowing what to do next the dog owner used a bottle discarded nearby to dispatch the monster fish.

At the local fish shop the scales maxxed out at 45kg; a set of larger scales found at the butcher shop  indicated the unlucky king weighed 48kg (108 pound).

The captor went on to reveal he doesn’t own a fishing rod…




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