The January 2015 edition of Fishing World, onsale now at your favourite newsagent, features a massive line-up of fantastic articles aimed at helping you make the most of the prime summer fishing season. Our cover story this issue is all about surface fishing for that great native battler, the Aussie bass. We also feature a host of other practical and informative articles including gearing up for gamefishing, fishing shallow flats for flathead, bream and whiting, targeting Murray cod, improving your rod skills, catching giant bream on bait and chasing pugnacious mangrove jacks on lures. If this sounds like the sort of fishing you enjoy, head on down to your local newsagency and score yourself a copy. Better yet, call our friendly subscriptions team on 1800 807 760 and see what deals we have running at the moment (some pretty good ones, we hear!). And if you like reading Fisho via our iPad app, make sure you head to iTunes to download the January issue. As a special bonus for our growing coterie of iPad readers, we’ve organised an array of info-packed how-to videos and fantastic photo galleries to complement the articles and columns. Which ever way you get your monthly Fisho fix, happy reading and we’ll see you on the water!
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