NSW DPI Fisheries Officers patrolling the Macintyre River in the north west of NSW have apprehended a man found in possession of an oversize Murray cod.
The man had caught the Murray cod the night before then coated the fish in sand before leaving it on the ground for the night. Fisheries officers seized the 86 cm Murray cod and the man will be charged with possess prohibited size fish.
Fisheries officers are reminding anglers that Murray cod have a minimum size of 55 cm and maximum size limit of 75 cm, a daily bag limit of two per person with a possession limit of four per person.
Check out the recreational fishing rules online at the DPI Fisheries website or download the free FishSmart NSW app from Google Play or the iTunes app store.
If you suspect illegal fishing activity report it, call 1800 043 536 or report it online at the DPI Fisheries website.