A NEW Fisheries Advisory Council has been announced by Victoria’s Minister for Agriculture
and Food Security Peter Walsh.
The Fisheries Advisory Council – which will consist of representatives of both commercial and recreational fishing interests – was a key element in the Victorian Coalition Government’s election commitment to restore effective and pro-active consultation that involves all fisheries sectors.
“The Fisheries Advisory Council will build understanding and consensus among sectors on
the best approaches to improving Victoria’s fisheries management,” Mr Walsh said in a press statement.
“I will be asking the Council for advice on issues such as making management more efficient and flexible, improving security of access, developing stewardship incentives and maximising value of our fisheries resources.
“The Council will provide quality advice to Government through 14 members who each have a broad range of expertise and experience.
“The number of members on the Council reflects the diverse nature of commercial and
recreational fishing sectors in Victoria, each with their own unique challenges, potential
solutions and different perspectives and views.”
Mr Walsh said the Coalition Government would propose to introduce a Bill into Parliament
later this year to embed the Council in legislation. In the interim, the Council will operate in a non-statutory capacity.
“The proposed legislation will amend the Fisheries Act 1995 to establish the Council as a
cross-sector body whose purpose will be to provide advice to the Agriculture and Food
Security Minister on addressing the challenges and opportunities facing Victoria’s fishers,” Mr Walsh said.
Members of the Fisheries Advisory Council
Chair – Peter Neville
Fisheries Ecologist – Dr Greg Jenkins
Fisheries Economist – Dr Caleb Gardner
Indigenous fishing interests – Denise Lovett
Commercial interests – Dr Andrew Levings
Barbara Konstas
Maria Manias
Geoff Ellis
Simon Boag
Recreational interests – Ross Winstanley
Merv McGuire
Russell Conway
John Willis
Pat Levy
Observers (non-voting)
Renee Vajtauer – Executive Director, Seafood Industry Victoria
Member to be confirmed – VRFish
Department representatives (non-voting)
Ross McGowan – Executive Director, Regulation and Compliance (Fisheries)
Paul McGrath (secretariat support) Principal Policy Analyst