THE NSW Government has announced the launch of an online service to make consultation over the closure and sale of Crown roads easier.
Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner said this was a big step forward for stakeholders, with users being able to view all advertised road closure notices online for the first time.
“The online service makes all current road closure notices easily accessible,” Mr Stoner said.
“The roads notices will be searchable by date, locality and local government area. This search facility is a big step forward in customer service and has been developed by NSW Trade & Investment, Crown Lands. The information will remain online for the full 28 day submission period for each proposed road closure, making it easier for affected parties to access the information.
“I assure those who have lodged applications to close and purchase roads that their privacy will be protected.
“The maps contain information to clearly identify which roads are being offered for sale and closure, without revealing the identity of landholders or applicants.
“The online service was developed following feedback from recreational user groups as a way to help them more easily find the location of proposed road closures.”
The website is at