AFTER more than a year of research, testing and production, Perth-based Brad Fraser has released the Fish Assist App, exclusively for the iPhone.
The developer says the app is the first Australian fishing app built for iPhone that uses some of the world’s best image recognition software, allowing users to identify and measure their catch using their iPhone camera.
It also contains fishing knots, a comprehensive fish guide to assist with your match, Individual and mixed species bag limits, closed seasons, protected species and areas.
Users can save their catches and email their catch data to Fish Assist to assist with Fisheries management. Catches can also be shared via Facebook and Instagram.
Using some of the best image recognition software and a refined simple to use and accurate measurement methodology Fish Assist is designed to make identifying and measuring your catch a breeze. It contains information about each species, including common names, size restrictions, bag limits, mixed bag limits, closed seasons, protected areas and protected species.
Most importantly, it does all the work for you by picking out the best matches for your catch from the extensive database then with a simple click the app will notify you if your catch is legal to keep or has to be thrown back.
Recreational fishing rules are provided for each species, unique for each state and territory. The guide currently contains over 125 species and is growing constantly.
Fish Assist also includes a customised location input feature, catches can be saved quickly and simply, and an option to email feedback to Fish Assist to help improve our product.
Also included are a set of popular fishing knots, aimed primarily at the beginning angler.
Fish Assist is now available at the App store for the introductory price of $2.99.