
Fisho reader trumpets new fishery

FISHO has been alerted to the discovery of an exciting offshore fishery off Portland Victoria. While the southern town has in recent years become a drawcard for offshore fishos targeting southern bluefin tuna during winter, according to Fisho reader Tim Clark, there is now another sportfish well worth pursuing off Portland.  

“I came across this in March this year,” Clark told Fisho, referring to the discovery of striped trumpeter – a species more commonly associated with Tasmanian waters – while fishing off Portland.

“Now persistence has finally paid off and I have found them in solid numbers and sizes.”

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A couple of ripper striped trumpeter taken off Victoria – the result of discovering a “new” fishery or have these fish always been there? 

Clark told Fisho the “average fish has been around the 6kg mark” and he and some fortunate fishing mates have experienced “double header catches of 10 to 12kg fish.”

“I have found that on every trip I have made out to this ground that we have caught these magnificent fish without a miss and usually [end up] bringing home 4 or 5 fish as we like to enforce our own boat limit.”

He adds, “We have had sessions of triple hook ups across the back of the boat with these fish.”

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As well as trumpeters, Tim Clark and his mates have caught other species such as the unusual knifejaw.

While targeting the striped trumpeter Clark has by-catch such as good numbers of snapper from 45 to 50 cm and up to 80 cm as well as the unusual knife jaw and large leather jackets.

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According to the Tasmanian Departement of Primary Industry’s website:

The striped trumpeter are an elongated, flattened, yellowish-green fish with three longitudinal stripes along the upper half of their body. Their fins are bright yellow. They are reported to grow to 1.2m and about 25kg and live for about 30 years.

They are found throughout southern Australia, from Sydney to Kangaroo Island, including Tasmania.

Around Tasmania, spawning occurs between July and October. These fish produce large numbers of eggs. Typically a fish of 3.2kg can produce 100,000 eggs. Females reach maturity at around 45cm or 5 years old, while males reach maturity at around 53cm or 8 years old.

More info available at:

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