
Fisho Writer’s Top 5 Photos

FISHO recently asked its writers to select five of their favourite fishing related photos and tell us the reasons why they rate them and how the the pics came about.

The next photos featured are from highly experienced angler and Fisho writer Greg Finney, who explains why these are his five favourites.

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Banks marlin

This pic was taken at The Banks a few years back. It was a hot afternoon bite in February and the guys on Enforcer, a 35 foot Bertram, had tagged and released several black marlin up north of the Main Hump. They drifted back down near us and had a live slimy eaten right next to us. This fish jumped all over the ocean and all within 50 metres of us so I got a chance to shoot a heap of shots of the fight, tag and release in good conditions. Camera gear: Canon 7D and 70-200mm lens.

Hump day
We’d been out wide chasing marlin one April when we came across a school of about a dozen humpbacks 10 miles off Greenwell Point. They were in a playful mood and hung around the boat for half an hour while we shot some video and photos. Only problem was we got caught in a westerly change by taking an extra half hour to get home so that last ten miles took over an hour into a 30 knot westerly. Camera gear: Canon 7D and 70-200mm lens.

Fishing in paradise

This shot was taken at Christmas Island in March 2014. I fished there for eight days with my brother and on the last day we got taken out to Paris Flat on an overcast and rainy day. We caught the biggest fish of the trip in perfect conditions except for the overcast skies which made polaroiding difficult. All the fish were taken on Crazy Charlie flies we’d tied up before our trip and it was very satisfying to have big bones eat them. Camera gear: Canon 7D and 24-105mm lens.

Hervey longtails
Just a month after Christmas Island I was up at Hervey Bay in April 2014 with my wife chasing longtails on fly with Andrew Chorley. We caught some very nice tuna on fly in some perfect conditions. I’d read a lot about Hervey Bay longtails and they didn’t disappoint. Great fun on a 10 weight. This shot was taken by my wife Christine. Camera gear: Canon 7D and 10-22mm lens.

Rock on
This shot taken from the rocks near Kiama in southern NSW. This is my future son in law Ryan Viret casting a 200mm popper with his Ripple Fisher rod and Stella 20000 reel. We were there right on first light chasing kingfish with poppers and stick baits. I decided to put my rod down and grab the camera while the light was good and got this shot just as a wave splashed up in front of Ryan. Camera gear: Canon 7D and 24-105mm lens.

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