
Glenelg mulloway tagging program showing good results

The more times a mulloway is caught and released, the more it tells researchers about their movement is (image: Mark Gercovich).

NATURE Glenelg Trust researcher Dr Lauren Brown is hoping anglers catch and release tagged mulloway “three to four times” to help build a good picture of the species range.

“It’s great to have a fish that is tagged and recaptured, but down the track it’s going to be more insightful to have the third and fourth recaptures,” Dr Brown said.

“Then we will potentially see movement in one direction and then movement back in the other direction to complete the picture.

“Anglers tend to catch mulloway at night when it’s dark, therefore they don’t always see the tag until the next morning when they are filleting the fish.

“We want to put the word out there to make anglers aware of the program and get them to look for the tags at night.”

According to an article in The Standard, the three-year tagging project started as a result of Dr Brown’s research into the biology of mulloway in the Glenelg River, near Nelson.

“The biggest movement we have seen so far is a fish that was tagged in the Barwon River, and was recaptured on the Coorong Beach,” she said.

“It was pretty exciting to confirm that they do move that far.

“The fact this tagging is showing that some of the individuals are moving back to the Coorong to breed is pretty significant.”

People wanting more information on the mulloway tagging project can visit the Nature Glenelg Trust website.

You can read the full article HERE.

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