
Help needed to map feral fish in Murrumbidgee

FERALFishScan is a community website dedicated to collecting evidence of feral fish (also known as pest fish) in the Upper Murrumbidgee River catchment. (See related story HERE)

Species such as European carp, redfin perch, goldfish, gambusia and oriental weatherloach are found in many areas of the upper Murrumbidgee catchment, but exactly where they occur is poorly known. These species are directly impacting on our native fish and aquatic fauna in many ways, including the spread of disease/parasites and predation on the young and eggs of native species.

Some pest fish can also affect the health of our rivers, lakes and creeks by compounding the effects of degradation from other sources, which in turn can affect the ability for native fish and aquatic fauna to thrive and breed.

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An introduced carp. Image: Ken Smith

Although we know roughly how these species are impacting our rivers, lakes and creek systems, researchers don’t have detailed catchment-wide data on where these pest fish are found or their numbers.

To help address this knowledge gap you can help by recording sightings of pest fish in the FeralFishScan community mapping facility throughout the catchment area. This data will then be available for everyone to see and use.

For more info go to:

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