IT’S funny what happens when blokes get to gas bagging, dreaming about a future fishing trip and how great it would be to get together with a bunch of others and fish new grounds, explore new waterways and finish with a barbie, a cold ale and more gas bagging.
Well, for a bunch of Mexicans down Melbourne way it turned out to be just that. Only this time it actually happened. This bloke called Azzo decided he wanted to go fishing next Saturday and wouldn’t mind meeting a few of the blokes on the AKFF (Australian Kayak Fishing Forum) and maybe have a BBQ afterwards. So he puts the following post on the forum: “Heading down to Safety Beach for a fish early Saturday, anyone interested in joining me? If more than five come I’ll bring some snags and we’ll have a BBQ.” Well, it seems that was music to everyone’s ears and by Friday this solo fishing trip had turned into something of a record. Some 34 confirmed ‘yakkers were coming and some local businesses even threw in some prizes.
So Saturday morning, 6.30am, and the locals at Safety Beach, a beautiful little area protected from the wind during the forecasted easterly, must have thought they were seeing things as about 20 of the early starters had arrived, taking over the car park. They started launching these strange looking kayaks fitted with rod holders, nets, sounders and other paraphernalia. Crikey, one even had a sail!
By 10am they were out in force, 34 strong and everyone catching fish. Aussie salmon to around 2kgs, southern calamari by the handful, some nice flatties and even some shiny barracouta. We fired up the BBQ for brekky and were treated to a show as a pod of dolphin and some gannets and terns decided to have their version of a feast on 50m from the beach. Birds were bombing kayakers while dolphins porpoised right next to them as they paddled to get amongst it. Pure mayhem!
The rest of us snapped photos or grabbed rods and ran to the water to cast to the hungry fish. Session 2 started at 11am and we finished with a BBQ lunch afterwards,
Dave from red Hill Brewery (also a mad ‘yakker) invited those who had time back to the brewery for a tour and an ale, while the rest of us packed up, gas bagged more and wondered how all this began. Sometimes dreams do come true.
Thanks to all those who came. And especially those who donated prizes.