
Murray-Darling Basin ​Native Fish Forum 2017


YOU are invited to attend the 2017 Murray-Darling Basin Native Fish Forum, on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th of August 2017, at the National Convention Centre, Canberra

The theme of this year’s forum is ‘Fish, Flows, Habitat and Heroes’. Building on the past successful fish management forums, 2017 will see presenters communicating the latest results and on-ground outcomes to a broad audience across the Basin, from general public to scientists and managers. 

A program for the event will be circulated shortly, as soon as speakers are confirmed.

Costs associated with travel and accommodation will need to be met by participants.

This is an open invitation event, so please feel free to distribute to others that you think would be interested in attending, although please note that venue restrictions mean that we are limited to 1​20 attendees.

Please register for your free ticket by COB Wednesday 9th August 2017 by clicking HERE



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