
New 2016 Vic recreational fishing guide now available 


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THE 2016 Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide is now available at tackle shops across the state and includes important information about catch limits, permitted equipment and closed seasons.

Fisheries Victoria Executive Director, Travis Dowling, said the Guide was an important reference booklet that included colour illustrations of commonly caught fish so anglers could identify their catch, and the size and bag limits that apply.

“The 2016 Guide, which is funded by fishing licence fees, outlines the rules that currently apply and new ones introduced since the previous 2015 version,” Mr Dowling said.

The only major rule changes this year are for the two trout cod fisheries that opened in 2015 near Beechworth as part of the State Government’s Target One Million plan to grow participation and provide new fishing opportunities. 

“At lakes Kerferd and Sambell, anglers may take one trout cod per day if it measures within the slot limit of 40 to 50cm. 

“Trout cod smaller or larger than that must be returned to the water. 

“In all other Victorian waters, trout cod remain protected and cannot be retained by recreational anglers.” 

Mr Dowling said the 2016 Guide clarified the use of gaffs and electric reels following feedback from anglers, although no rule changes have occurred. 

“The new Guide also includes information about new plastic fishing licences that were introduced on 1 November, 2015. 

“Anglers who buy a 1-year or 3-year fishing licence online now receive a plastic licence in the mail, which will be more durable and better cope with the demanding conditions often experienced by keen anglers. 

“Since its introduction, nearly 10,000 plastic licences have been issued, indicating they have proved popular with fishers who want a more robust format.

Recreational Fishing Guides are available free of charge from most good tackle shops, offices of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, or by ringing the Customer Service Centre on 136 186.

Alternatively, anglers can download the free ‘Vic Fishing’ app for smartphones, which has also been updated to reflect the changes in the new 2016 Guide.

View the Guide online at

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