IT’S not often an MP stands up for a cause against their party policy. Sarah Henderson, MP for Corangamite in Victoria, is standing up for Australian recreational fishers against the Geelong Star fishing over the top of our recreational fishing spots and against the policy of her Government.
Henderson has called on concerned community members to help send a strong message to the Government by rallying in Torquay against the Geelong Star on Sunday October 25.
The rally has been organised with recreational fishing activist and local builder, Jason O’Neill, with the full backing of the Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation and VR Fish. Jason organised a rally against the Geelong Star in May and has been a very strong community voice on this issue.

“As a warrior for the environment, I am determined to stand up and fight for the people of Corangamite on this important issue. After nine dolphin deaths and the resumption of overnight fishing, enough is enough,” says Henderson.
“To call this vessel the Geelong Star is a real slur on our city – this vessel is no star of Geelong.
“In the electorate of Corangamite – an electorate which includes 188km of coastline – there is very significant opposition to this trawler. The scientific evidence to support the fishing of the small pelagic fishery in the manner being proposed is simply not conclusive.
“Regrettably, Seafish Australia has declined a request by the Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation not to fish in certain high value recreational fishing waters. This is also of particular concern to VR Fish which represents Victoria’s 721,000 recreational fishers. On both environmental and recreational fishing grounds I believe a ban is justified.”
The rally will bring together concerned fishers, families, boaties, people concerned about the environment, our oceans and our fisheries. It will commence at 11 am on Sunday, October 25 2015, at the Torquay Angling Club, Fishermans Beach, The Esplanade, Torquay.
Keep Australia Fishing!