
Nice Arbor

Made for braided and fluorocarbon lines, the Pflueger Arbor is designed to offer superior line management through a combination of large spool diameter and a short oscillation stroke.

The larger spool diameter means line has less wraps around the arbor for a given distance compared to traditional spinning reels, which allows less coils and line twist. The short oscillation stroke aids in preventing loose loops and wind knots; a short oscillation stroke gives the advantage of controlling the problem of “dropping loops” especially when fishing plastics with slack line techniques.

The frame features a hybrid aluminium body system, with aluminium stem, graphite frame and aluminium sideplate.

Carbon fibre drag washers are used to give smooth even drag performance even under heavy loads and hard running fish and 7 staianless steel bearings provide smooth cranking operation.

The Pflueger Arbor is available in a 30 size that’s suitable for bream and bass and a 40 size for snapper and other inshore sportsfish.

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