OZFISH Unlimited is a new fishing conservation movement that is set to transform the future of recreational fishing in Australia by asking every angler to fish differently.
This is a bold move, but it’s clear that anglers are becoming or aspiring to become environmental stewards of their sport and genuinely want to help protect and restore fish habitat; a critical component of securing the future of recreational fishing in Australia.
And Ozfish Unlimited plan to help them do it.
OzFish Unlimited’s mission is to invest time and money towards grassroots rehabilitation and regeneration activities, giving anglers and communities more control over the health of their rivers, lakes and estuaries by counteracting decades of degradation.
Why is ozfish unique?
*We are the first movement of this kind that will help guide Australia’s recreational fishing community in becoming environmental guardians by understanding fish habitat as a critical part of their sport’s future.
*We are a not-for-profit organisation, created by a group of individuals who are passionate about protecting the future of recreational fishing and building a legacy of healthy waterways for future generations.
*We have Australia’s highest profile anglers…the juggernauts of the industry backing our call to action to see a dedicated fishing conservation movement sweep across the country.
Why is Ozfish’s work so important?
- Our once-healthy waterways have been sorely impacted over the decades by human intervention and further loss of this precious resource will place the future of recreational fishing at risk.
- In the Murray Darling Basin there are 10000 barriers to fish passage.
- In Northern NSW over 70% of fish habitat has been lost. (over 62,000ha)
- In South Australia we have lost over 1500km of oyster reef.
- In Western Australia we have lost thousands of hectares of seagrass – up to 80% in many places.
- In Queensland our reef is suffering from poor water quality from its catchments.
- In Victoria seagrass loss, poor water quality and barriers have all impacted on fish numbers.
Habitat projects are already underway across Australia and we have secured the support of industry and government agencies. For instance, the Fisheries and Research and Development Corporation has provided a major grant for OzFish Unlimited to hold “Fishers for Fish Habitat” seminars across the country.
Partnerships include:
The Nature Conservancy
The Reef and Rainforest Centre, QLD
Recfishwest, WA
RecFish, SA
South East Queensland Catchments
For more information please visit the Ozfish Unlimited website and Facebook page.
Fishing World’s European correspondent Martin Salter recently got involved with Ozfish Unlimited when he was out here. Click here to read Martin’s take.