
Recreational Fishing Trust annual report

THE Recreational Fishing Trust’s latest Annual Report covers how the $14.7 million from NSW anglers’ licences has been spent over the 2022-23 period.

The Trust structure is based on a Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council which advises the Minister and oversees a Recreational Fishing Freshwater Trust Expenditure Committee and a Recreational Fishing Saltwater Trust Expenditure Committee. Roughly 2/3 of the money gets spent on saltwater, 1/3 on freshwater.

135 new projects were funded to the tune of $23.8 million during the reporting period, with 351 projects currently underway.

The report includes a review of licence sales, an overview of major trust programs and a summary of funded projects. The projects are presented by both a table of expenditure sorted by project type, and a table of all individual projects and funding amounts. 

Download HERE.

Courtesy of NSW Council of freshwater Anglers.

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