
River closures to protect Eastern freshwater cod

ANGLERS in northern NSW are being reminded that a three month fishing closure is currently underway in the Mann and Nymboida Rivers to protect Eastern freshwater cod.

Department of Primary Industries Acting Director Fisheries Compliance, Tony Andrews, said fishing in the area is totally prohibited from 1 August to 31 October.

“This annual fishing closure is in place to protect the endangered Eastern freshwater cod during its breeding season,” Mr Andrews said.

“The Clarence and Richmond Rivers once teemed with this rare species of fish, which is now only found naturally in just two isolated tributaries of the Clarence.

“Eastern freshwater cod, which are similar to Murray cod, are extremely vulnerable to fishing activity during their breeding season due to the aggressive nature in which they defend their nest, eggs and hatchlings from predators, including lures and baits.

“Despite some increase in the distribution and abundance of the endangered fish in recent years, the species still occupies only a fraction of its former territory and these closures provide the best possible opportunity for the Eastern freshwater cod to re-inhabit its entire natural range.”

The closed waters include: the Mann River and all of its tributaries (including the Boyd River) upstream of its junction with the Clarence River; and the Nymboida River and its tributaries from its junction with the Mann River upstream to Platypus Flat.
The closure does not apply to notified trout waters, which are regulated separately.
Mr Andrews said fishers should expect to see fisheries officers patrolling these seasonally closed waters to deter and detect any illegal activity.

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“Anyone found fishing or in possession of fishing gear that is capable of being used, in, on or adjacent to the closed waters, faces on-the-spot fines of $500 with maximum penalties of up to $22,000 and/or six months imprisonment for a first offence and $44,000 and/or 12 months imprisonment for a second and subsequent offence, “ he said.

“In addition to the three-month total fishing restrictions in the Mann and Nymboida Rivers, and because of the endangered status of Eastern Freshwater Cod, persons found to be targeting or in possession of Eastern Freshwater Cod at any time or at any location, face penalty notices of $2,500 with maximum penalties of up to $220,000 and/or two years’ imprisonment or both upon prosecution.”

More on NSW fishing regulations at:

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