FISHOS are pretty lucky in that weprobably see more sunrises and sunsets than most other people. Thisis no coincidence as most keen anglers know that the periods of dawnand dusk are generally very productive times to wet a line.
Theperiod of transition between light and dark or dark and light is akey hunting period for many popular species. Snapper, jews, tuna,sharks, tailor, bass, native species, mackerel and so on all seem tobite best at dawn or dusk. Thus it’s no surprise that fishos areout and about at these times as well.
Even if you don’t get a fish,watching the start of a new day, or witnessing the close of the oldone, is always a special time. The light, especially over the water,is rich and perfect for photography. This is why some many fishostake a quick snap of the sun either rising or falling. We all havecollections of sunrises and sunsets in our personal photo galleries –and some of then are doubtless pretty amazing.
A quick search throughthe Fisho photo library revealed the following sunrise/setimages. Hope you enjoy … And if you have a special image of the sunthat you’d like to share, send it in to’ll feature a selection of images on the website in coming weeksand also reward the top images with a free subscription to the mag.Send your entries in!
The Fisho team.