ALL of North Sydney Harbour, North Head, Long Reef and a host of other spots between Newcastle and Wollongong have been earmarked for potential fishing lock-outs under the Sydney Marine Park proposal.
Earlier this year recreational fishing groups, commercial fishers and charter operators took part in community consultation on the Marine Estate Management Authority’s (MEMA) plans for fishing in the Hawkesbury Bioregion. MEMA proposed 59 areas of interest to ban fishing between Newcastle and Wollongong.
It now seems that the short-list of favoured sites could include all of Long Reef and all of the North Head of Sydney Harbour (see the maps below).
If they ban fishers from the safest, highest value and prized fishing areas, the government ministers responsible need to explain why anglers are being left out of the “behind closed doors” discussions that are taking place at the moment.
Further, rumours floating around are that the government is potentially leaving itself open to a class action lawsuit from NSW recreational fishing licence holders over lost fishing territory.
More information on the Sydney Marine Park proposal can be found here.
The NSW Recreational Fishing Alliance (NSWRFA) is urging everyone who will be affected by the lockouts to make a personal submission to outline how the lockouts will affect them directly.
Write to the Premier Mike Baird:
The Hon. Mike Baird MP
GPO Box 5341
Niall Blair, MLC, is Minister for Primary Industries, including Fisheries.
The Hon. Niall Blair MLC
GPO Box 5341
Mark Speakman, MLA, is Minister for the Environment.
The Hon. Mark Speakman SC MP
GPO Box 5341