
Tasmania’s Scalefish Fishery rule changes

PROPOSED rule changes for the Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery are now open for public comment.

The proposed amendments to the Fisheries (Scalefish) Rules 2015 apply to commercial, recreational and Aboriginal fishing and include:

  • Reviewing size, bag and possession limits for depleted and depleting species for all fishers;
  • Introducing regional and statewide rules for depleted and depleting species;
  • Introducing two new commercial calamari licence types;
  • Reviewing recreational gillnetting arrangements; and
  • Introducing registration of charter fishing operations and reporting requirements.

Species that are assessed as depleted or depleting include sand flathead, calamari, striped trumpeter, bastard trumpeter, blue warehou, garfish and jackass morwong.

The proposed changes aim to improve the long-term sustainability of the scalefish fishery and modernise how it is managed.

To have your say, read the consultation documents and make a submission on the proposed changes before 11:59pm on 29 May 2023.
More details at

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