
The jungle perch & the world’s luckiest frog

THE time had come to get my finesse gear ready and set off for another adventure into the magical rainforests of far north Queensland to target the majestic jungle perch.

On this particular outing I decided to fish a creek system that has won me many great JPs over the 40cm mark. When I arrived at my chosen destination the water was flowing a lot faster than anticipated. I decided to head back the way I came to explore a new system that had less water movement.

I ended up choosing a tight skinny creek that was filled with overhanging vegetation; but not to worry I was using my 5’6’’ Millerod CF JungleFreak – perfect for getting that lure right in those tight honey holes.

Nearly a kilometre in I came to a great looking snag. I flicked my Zman 4’’ StreakZ Curly TailZ right under an overhanging tree into the sweet spot. A few rod twitches and it was fish on! I was feeling excited to be onto my first fish of the day, not just any fish… This fish was to become the most famous jungle perch in the world!

On 3lb Power Pro the JP put up a solid little effort by trying to ride its way past me and head downstream. Eventually winning the finesse battle, I reached down and thumb grabbed the 35cm plus specimen to pull my Zman out. I began lowering the fish for release when I noticed a vibrant bright green colour reflecting back at me from inside the JP’s mouth. At first I thought it might have been some grass or vegetation lodged in there from the fight. I looked harder and was stunned … it was actually a green tree frog! I was thinking to myself what a greedy fish when all of a sudden I noticed his little eyes blinking up at me! Amazed, I took my camera out to capture what I was witnessing.

As soon as I took the picture the little frog made a huge leap straight past my head onto a tree behind me! It was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. I quickly released the JP to admire the lucky frog. He was safe and sound perched on the tree looking like nothing had even happened.


What you looking at? The amazing sight that greeted Angus after landing his jungle perch. Image: Angus James

Still amazed at what just took place I continued upstream. I was playing the event over in my head and laughing to myself. I eventually decided to sit down for some lunch and see if I had captured any magic from my experience and sure enough when I looked at the picture I had a really great feeling about what I was looking at.

I knew I had something very special this day. After posting the pic on Facebook I feel overwhelmed and proud that people all over the world are sharing this moment with me. When people comment saying things like “never give up”’ and “second chance in life” it’s great to have captured an image that gives people hope in even the worst of situations. I don’t know what the odds for that frog were on that day but I’m proud to have been involved in that situation and stoked to share it with the world (see video below).

That’s why I love this passion so much, is all about getting out there and experiencing the magic that is waiting for us in the great outdoors!


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