Victorian trout fishos should warm to the news of the stocking last week of 2500 brown trout into the Goulburn River.
The Member for Seymour, Ben Hardman, said a five-year trial stocking began last year, the first trout stocking of the Goulburn in many years.
According to Marc Ainsworth of Victoria’s Department of Primary Industry the average weight of the 2500 released brown trout was 180gms and will supplement the stocking of larger browns and rainbows – over 1kg each – undertaken earlier in the year.
“When the trial began the plan was originally to release up to 5000 per year,” Ben Hardman said.
“But following early positive indications from assessments and significant angler support, the numbers of trout stocked into the Goulburn River has been increased to 10,000 a year.
Last week’s stocking brings this year’s total to 3000 and releases of another 7000 are to be staggered throughout the year, to coincide with peak usage times such as school holidays and Christmas.
The Goulburn has been the most popular trout fishery in north east Victoria for many years.
Hardman says “Preliminary data gathered by volunteers participating in the Research Angler Diary Program on the Goulburn suggests up to one in every four fish being caught is a stocked fish, representing an excellent return for anglers.”
The Research Angler Diary Program had been running over the past ten years and had involved more than 300 anglers throughout Victoria.
“Information about fish growth, spawning success, survival and catch trends gathered from the program helps to inform the sustainable management of fish stocks.” Hardman concluded.
Stockings will continue this week at: Walnuts Reserve; Thornton Beach; Gilmores Bridge; McMartins Road; Alexandra Bridge (Maroondah Highway); Molesworth caravan park and below the gates at Lake Eildon.