
WA Snapper Guardians 2020


RECFISHWEST is delighted to announce the Snapper Guardians event will go ahead again this year at Woodman Point in Cockburn Sound on Saturday 8 February.

It’s an open event for the community to come down and help us release around 5,000 juvenile snapper into the Sound highlighting the importance of this fantastic species and celebrating the great fishing experiences it provides.

The fish were hatched and reared at the Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Fremantle aquaculture facility, from eggs collected in the Sound from pinkie spawning schools earlier in the summer.

Making it from egg to juvenile is a hazardous journey for pink snapper in the wild, with so many factors working against the fish surviving.

Eggs are collected then reared to greaten the chance of their survival in their early lifecycle stages. Image: Recfishwest

So, collecting and rearing the juveniles in a protected environment is something that significantly improves the chances of the snapper making it through to adulthood.

The event kicks off at 10 am on Saturday, 8 February at Jervoise Bay, Woodman Point.

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