
Legislation should stop super trawler, not rec fishing – ARFF

THE Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF), the peak body representing the recreational fishing sector, is calling on the Federal Government to amend the changes to the EPBC Amendment (Declared Fishing Activities) Bill 2012 so that a declared fishing activity under the amendment to the legislation is a commercial fishing activity only, not to include recreational fishing.

ARFF Director, Allan Hansard, said “this legislation should be about stopping industrial fishing activities, where there is uncertainty about the sustainability or the environmental, social and economic impacts, particularly where it is not underpinned by appropriate science.

“It should not be about stopping mums, dads and kids from going and catching a fish in Australian waters.

“We call on the Government to amend this legislation immediately so that the activities of the super trawler can be stopped, we also call on the Coalition to support this amendment.”

New legislation that is expected to put a halt on any super trawler operations in Australia for at least two years is currently being furiously debated in Federal Parliament. Fishing World will keep readers updated on any developments as they come to hand. 

The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF) is the newly formed national peak body representing Australia’s Recreational Fishing Community and is supported by the Australian Fishing Trade Association (AFTA), Recfish Australia, Game Fishing Association Australia (GFAA), Sunfish Queensland, Amateur Fishermen’s Association of the Northern Territory (AFANT), Recfishwest, Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW (RFANSW), Underwater Skindivers and Fishermen’s Association (USFA), Australian National Sportfishing Association (ANSA), Professional Fishing Instructors and Guides Association (PFIGA), Victorian Recreational Fishing (VRFish), and Australian Underwater Federation (AUF).

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