
Marlin from an inflatable!

TIM Heather and Matt Shine, members of the Port Hacking Game Fishing Club, recently set off from Kurnell in Sydney’s south to target game fish from a 10-foot inflatable Thundercat.

The pair felt their experience and knowledge of game fishing would see them through if they managed to hook something large and feisty.

They started trolling around 7am and had a hook up by 10.30am, on a marlin that had eaten a new Zacatak lure. Caution then dictated the ensuing 20 minute fight – from atop an esky – on a spin outfit loaded with 24kg line. 


Tim Heather told Fisho, as the boys gained line they had to be sure they wouldn’t end up in strife as the marlin was only a little shorter than their rubber boat. As they grabbed the trace it started to play up, leaping into the air.

Before they knew it they’d captured a beautiful 60kg striped marlin.

Heather said, “We both usually fish Tag & Release and this is the first fish from many that we have ever kept, but felt that this was a one off and no one would ever believe we actually did it.”

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