
Rec fishing groups plan for sustainable future

FISHING groups in South Australia have come together to help ensure the sustainable growth of the state’s recreational fishing.

The strategic plan developed by RecFish SA in partnership with recreational fishing committees, angling clubs, the fishing tackle industry and fishing media, sets out initiatives to improve recreational fishing into the future.

RecFish SA executive member David Ciaravolo said the recreational fishing sector provided enormous social and economic benefits to the State, with more than 236,000 South Australians fishing recreationally in 2007-08.

“I am pleased that we have been able to come up with a plan which identifies steps to help ensure a sustainable future, maintain access, improve experiences and enhance opportunities for recreational fishers,” he said.

“Areas we have focused on include resourcing, enhancing and increasing angler input into the management of our recreational fisheries.

“The other key areas for RecFish SA, to come out of the plan, is to expand engagement at the grass-root level with recreational fishers and we have a new constitution on the way to facilitate this.”

State Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Minister Leon Bignell launched the plan, A Better Future for Recreational Fishing in South Australia 2014-2018, last week.

“No matter whether you go out and fish every weekend or just wet a line during the holidays in some of the State’s great fishing spots, this plan is aimed at ensuring South Australians continue to enjoy a high quality recreational fishing experience,” Mr Bignell said.

To view the plan, visit strategic-plan.

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