
Samoa gears up for world class game tournament

IN April 2012, up to 140 of the world’s best anglers will converge on the idyllic Pacific islands of Samoa for the Samoa International Game Fishing Tournament.

Usually held on the first week of April, the tournament is becoming one of the most popular sport fishing events on the world game fishing calendar.

In November, a blue marlin weighing in at 511.5 lbs was caught off the waters of Samoa by the M/V Southern Destiny. This was a record breaking capture according to the Samoa Game Fishing Association who weighed the marlin on a certified scale. Encounters with marlin of around 350lb are also not uncommon in Samoa, where the waters teem with marine life, making it an angler’s dream playground.

The game tournament runs for a week and starts off with an early breakfast for competing anglers before they set out to tackle the waters off Apia Harbour.

Daily prizes are awarded during the event and a special ladies tournament is held for part of the tournament.

The competition has traditionally attracted major vessels from within the region including Australia, New Zealand and American Samoa.

“The Samoans have a special relationship with the sea. Their traditional values and Fa’a Samoa entails that they protect their ocean heritage and maintain its pristine state,” says Peter Sereno of Samoa Tourism Authority.

“The Tournament will be bigger in 2012 and we are expecting a record number of participants reeling in record breaking catches. We hope to see you all there to join in on the celebrations,” said Sereno.

For more information: email Peter Sereno at; website:

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