THE Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) has recently reviewed the Vessel Management Plan (VMP) for the Geelong Star and is now releasing this revised draft VMP for public comment.
This VMP is a boat-specific statutory requirement which sets out what the Geelong Star must do to minimise the risk of interactions with protected species (e.g. seabirds, seals and dolphins) as well as the general operational requirements of the boat. The VMP should be read alongside the general management arrangements for the Small Pelagic Fishery which can be found on the AFMA website.
More information on the changes to the revised draft VMP can be found at Summary of changes in the revised draft Geelong Star Vessel Management Plan.
Those with an interest in the management of the Small Pelagic Fishery are welcome to provide comments on the revised draft VMP by 27 June 2016. Comments can be made by going to AFMA’s website. AFMA will consider public comments prior to finalising the revised VMP and is particularly seeking any science or evidence that would lead to its improvement. The final VMP will be published on AFMA’s website.
Please note that any public comments received may be made public unless the person or body submitting them makes it clear that they do not want them to be made public.
Further information about how AFMA manages its fisheries can be found on the AFMA website.