1 Name and birthplace?
Greg Finney, Sydney.
2 When did you firt start fishing?
My father and his father were both keen fishermen so I was introduced to fishing at a very early age. I can remember beach and breakwall fishing at Stockton near Newcastle when I was about four years old. I also remember fishing at Port Stephens and Werri Beach lagoon at about the same age.
3 When did you start writing for Fisho?
My first spell at Fisho was in the late ’80s for several years. My current spell started around 2002 from memory, when I met Jim Harnwell.
4 What’s your favourite form of fishing?
I’ve been lucky enough to fish for many species and in many locations. My favourite fishing includes snapper on soft plastics, jigging for kingfish, chasing blackfish from the rocks and trout on fly.
Targeting reds with soft plastics is one of Finney’s favourite types of fishing.
5 What do you enjoy about writing for a fishing magazine?
Magazine writing has been good to me. I’ve met some great people in the fishing and media industries – and the odd “character”. It’s opened up some great opportunities to travel and test some new tackle along the way. It’s also given me the opportunity to photograph some amazing locations and fishing captures over the past 30 years.
6 Who do you most admire in the fishing media and why?
I still remember meeting Ron Calcutt in the Fisho offices in the late ’80s. He was the founder of Australian Angler that went on to become Fishing World. Ron was a true innovator in the fishing media world. He was a very good fisherman and an incredible writer and communicator. Jim Harnwell has done a great job of continuing the benchmark that Calcutt set. I also have a lot of respect for guys like Ted Clayton, Rod Harrison, Tim Simpson, Bushy, Glen Booth and Al McGlashan.
Bullo River Station barra caught on fly.
7 What do you reckon is the best or most satisfying article you’ve written for Fisho?
Two that come to mind are trips where we set out to achieve a certain goal and did just that. One was Bullo River with the guys from Loomis where we caught some great barra on lures and fly. The other was Lord Howe Island where I went with a mate to try and catch a blue marlin. We caught and released a 250 kilo blue on the first day and had a great trip. I got some great photos during both of those trips.
8 What camera gear do you use?
I’ve always used Canon gear. Currently running 7D and 30D bodies. 10-22mm, 24-105mm and 70-200mm lenses.
Marlin jump NSW South Coast.
9 What advice can you give anyone wanting to get into the fishing media?
The same advice I gave my eldest daughter recently. She’s just starting to take some photos and get a few articles published and getting the bug to communicate her photos and fishing experiences via magazines.
Get some decent camera gear and learn how to use it properly. Once you’ve got some good shots don’t put them up on Facebook or SkyDrive for everybody to see or use. Show them to magazine editors and talk to them on the phone. Ask if they can see a potential article in there and get their thoughts on how to put that together and what they’d like to see. Talking to magazine editors on the phone or in person will go a long way to getting some material published. Sure, email them some photos but call them personally to discuss your aspirations and their preferences.
Most importantly don’t look at writing as a way to promote yourself or obtain free fishing tackle. I’ve seen quite a few guys fall for this trap over the years and none of them are remembered as talented writers or nice people.
10 What’s your favourite fishing destination?
I’ve got several favourites:
Popper fishing for GTs on the northern coast of Fiji.
Chasing bonefish at Aututaki in the Cook Islands.
Spawn run trout at Taupo, NZ North Island.
Barra fishing at Bullo Station in the Kimberleys
Chasing blue marlin at Lord Howe Island.
Fly fishing for trout at Eucumbene and Oberon.
Squid fishing in Jervis Bay.
Finney and a solid yellowfin tuna caught cubing.