
WA Marron season opens this weekend

THOUSANDS of people are likely to go recreational marron fishing this weekend, with the four week season opening this Friday at noon.

Fisheries minister Ken Baston said about 14,000 people had sought licences to fish for marron at the Collie, Murray, Deep, Gardner, Warren, Donnelly, Blackwood, Capel and Preston rivers; and Moore and Hutt Rivers and their tributaries.

Marron fishing with snare nets is also permitted at Margaret River, Big Brook, Drakesbrook, Glen Mervyn, Logue Brook, Waroona and Wellington dams, and the Harvey River and dam.

For those fishing at Harvey Dam, Waroona Dam and the Hutt River, fishers can take five marron a day over the size of 90 millimetres within 500 metres of the waterline.

In all other open water, the daily bag limit is eight marron over the size of 80mm (from noon one day until noon the next day).

Mr Baston said recreational fishers made special trips to these places to enjoy the annual getaway experience to fish for Western Australia’s popular freshwater crayfish.

Just before Christmas, Department of Fisheries and RecFishWest staff helped relocate several dozen large marron and many smaller ones from drying pools along the south branch of the Collie River.

Fishers should contact the FishWatchnumber if they see marron impacted by low water levels and water quality or to report illegal marron fishing activities.

Fisheries and marine officers will be on patrol before and during the season to ensure people catching marron are sticking to the rules – especially in regard to using the correct fishing gear. Marron can only be caught using specific drop nets, scoop nets, or bushman’s pole snare. All other fishing gear, including any type of trap, is illegal.

“Stay safe, watch the clock (because daily bag limits apply from noon to noon the next day), know your possession limit and other rules and enjoy a great WA fishing experience,” Baston said.

For more information including the complete marron fishing guide head to WA Fisheries website.

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