THIS is Nick Reygaert’s fourth film, taking a slightly different path to his previous releases, which included last year’s The Search – Tahiti (see August ‘08 issue for review).
This DVD offers a laid back snapshot of one Australia’s more underrated fishing
states – Tasmania. Surprisingly there’s only a couple of films ever produced about Tasmanian fishing, which is crazy given the world class trout on offer down there.
Reygaert’s attention to detail raises the bar for fishing filmmakers. Production quality is outstanding with some truly stunning shots bringing the unique feel of Tasmania’s trout fishing across the screen.
The Source is divided into four parts – one part for each prominent area. These include the rugged West Coast, lowland rivers, rainforest creeks and sight fishing the Western lakes.
Author Greg French and guide Daniel Hackett, along with Nick Reygaert and others, take the viewer on an incredible fishing trip around this small but highly productive and island.
For anyone planning a trip to Tassie, has ever been to Tassie or just wants a visual escape to a world of rugged country and wild trout, The Source – Tasmania is a must see.
Available online at
By Scott Thomas