Recreational fishing for mako sharks is to be allowed again, after draft laws were finally passed by parliament yesterday.
As Fisho had reported previously at length, short and longfin makos and porbeagle sharks became off limits from January 29 due to a listing on an international convention toprotect migratory animals.
Labor’s legislation now overturns the ban on the recreational fishing for these sharks in commonwealth waters.
Liberal frontbench senator Brett Mason savaged Environment Protection Minister Peter Garrett for his “uncritical endorsement” of the convention.
“The minister didn’t listen, he didn’t consult and, fundamentally … he didn’t understand,” Senator Mason told parliament on Monday.
Family First senator Steve Fielding said the government’s “reckless and hasty” decision to ban recreational fishing of the sharks should never have happened in the first place.
Labor frontbench senator Stephen Conroy said the bill recognised the social and cultural importance of recreational fishing to many Australians.
The state regulation of recreational fishing will not be affected, and commercial fisheries remain banned from taking the various shark species.
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Recreational Fishing for Mako and Porbeagle Sharks) Bill 2010 now awaits royal assent.