ON our latest charter we had Swiss client Johan Christensen on board and Johan was right into the action releasing a 250lb fish and an active 900lb plus fish.
Day 2 and Johan, still excited from day 1 informs me he wants to weigh a fish over 1000 lb. So the pressure is on. We release a fish of only 150 lb early, and then it’s on, a fish well over 1000 lb takes the skipping bait in the left ‘rigger and this big girl knew all the tricks. The gaffs were made ready, and serious drag was applied, but it was not to be, another fish had swam through the line under maximum drag and it was all over.
Day 3 and it was two from two – a 150lb fish and a 200lb fish released.
Day 4 we were one from one with a very active 250 lb fish.
Day 5 we struck out.
Day 6 was Johan’s last day on the Great Barrier Reef and his last day to get that 1000 lb fish. We trolled until the afternoon strike time without sighting a fish, when a small fish around 150lb jumped on the swimming bait on the right ‘rigger which was released in quick time.
We hardly had time to set the baits again, when the stinger bait was crash tackled by a big girl. It was not the 1000 lb fish that Johan was after, but the strength of the fish amazed Johan as it fought him down deep. The trace showed itself on four occasions before coming into the reach of our American deckhand Randy for the release.