
Hundreds turn out for annual Carp Blitz

THE 2014 Sofala Carp Blitz, held last weekend in the NSW Central Tablelands, was a resounding success.

The event was held over two days to enable participants to camp on the banks of the Turon River and do their part in removing the highly invasive European carp (Cyprinus carpio) from the Turon and Crudine Rivers.

Hundreds of people attended the two day event and the live entertainment at the historic Royal Hotel on Saturday night.

There were officially 279 carp caught and removed as well as two redfin and reports of several native fish caught and released; these were Murray cod and golden perch. One of the cod ate a bread crust meant for a carp and another went for a prawn!

The golden perch fell for a Berkley Gulp soft plastic 2” in Banana Prawn, which also accounted for many carp as well.

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Mr Fishing World – Jeremy Smith.

The total weight of carp removed was in excess of 750 kgs; a small dent in the total population of this highly invasive species that now dominates the fish biomass of the Murray Darling Basin. All fish brought in to the weigh-in were kept for liquid fertiliser.

The true benefit of these carp culls is in educating anglers of the destructive effects of carp and introducing youngsters to the fantastic sport of fishing – all kids who attended this year received a prize as well as free apple juice, ice cream or lollies and said they couldn’t wait for next year’s event!


One of two redfin weighed in at the event.

The Sofala Branch of Central Acclimatisation Society is blessed to have so many great supporters, without the following sponsors we could not have such a great family oriented day:

Inland Waterways Rejuvenation Association
Pure Fishing
BCF Bathurst Branch bathurst.aspx?id=342
Local Land Services
Fishing World Magazine
Turon Gates
Country Fruit
Westco Confectionary
Peter’s Ice Creams

Clare Kerr from Local Land Services attended the event and was a very welcome guest; LLS contributed to the catering costs as well as supplying and presenting BCF Gift Vouchers for largest bags of fish.

Clare proved a bundle of energy despite the oppressive heat, helping wherever she could, posing for the camera while getting her hands dirty holding the dead carp, a professional of the highest calibre!

Clare also addressed the crowd and explained the role of LLS and the critical part they play in helping keep our streams healthy.

Many other people deserve a huge shout out, some of these that come to mind are:

Peter and Sandra from Wattle Flat Shop, Colin Gordon Plumbing Tiling, Warrick Osborne – Econo Cycle Septic Tanks, Ash Miller, Turon Plumbing, Wayne Crowe, Building Contractor, Sally Hanrahan, Watson Tractors – Bathurst, the communities of Sofala, Wattle Flat, Hill End and Bathurst.

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Kerry Anne Eldridge took out Largest Bag in Ladies category with 14 carp caught on 2” Gulp Minnow Grubs.

Some of the major winners this year:
Peter Hanrahan Largest Carp 7.21 kg caught on fly, Men’s
Sally Hanrahan Largest Carp on Fly 3.15kg, Ladies
Harley Henderson Largest carp caught on bait 6.61 kg, Men’s
Danni McPherson Largest Carp caught 5.57 kg, Ladies, 2” Gulp Minnow Grub Banana Prawn
Largest Bag weighed, Colin Clapham with 43 carp, Men’s Hawkesbury Green prawns
Largest Bag weighed, Kerry Anne Eldridge with 14 carp, Ladies 2” Gulp Minnow Grubs
Largest Bag weighed, Sarah Lane, with 3 carp, Girls
Largest Bag Weighed William Moorhead with 7 carp, Boys
Biggest redfin went to 6 years old Skye Peters in the juniors and Julia Moorhead in the adults.

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Peter Hanrahan took out the Largest  Fish on Fly as well as Largest Carp Overall (7.21kgs).

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Other winners:
Six year olds – Shelly Keith & Connor Edwards; 7 year old – Taylah Hawley; 8 year olds Ruby Crowe & Larissa Peters; 9 year old – Kaitlin Healey; 11 year old Lily Crowe, 12 year old Hannah Smith & 16 year old Mitch Robinson in the Juniors.

Brendan Cole won this year’s secret weight of 2.89 kilos; Brendan topped this by winning a brand new Engle Fridge Freezer donated by IWRA as first prize in our raffle.

Twelve year old Michael Martin won himself a fly fishing outfit after getting some lessons from expert fly casters Eddie Savkovic and Gavin Davis.

Ten year old Daniel Martin won a 12 month subscription to Fishing World magazine as an encouragement award. Fishing World also contributed dozens of magazines, stickers & fishing DVDs for the event.

Again thanks to all those who helped make this year’s event such a success, without so many good sponsors it would be impossible to run events such as this.

Let’s hope some time in the near future a control for carp can be found and events such as this will become catch and release competition for our native fish species!

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