ABOUT a year ago Fish Arrow released its much loved Cover Cicada onto the Australian lure scene and it quickly filled a niche market. Being both a soft bodied lure that was in fact wonderfully weedless, enabled hardcore bass anglers to chuck them into basically any cover that any normal lure simply couldn’t go!
If you’ve ever thrown surface lures for natives, especially bass, getting your lure as tight to structure as possible is absolutely vital to get the strikes. Going weedless certainly gives you the confidence to throw where you normally wouldn’t.
With the success of the larger model I recently field tested their latest offering – the “Baby” Cover Cicada.
It weighs in at 3.5 grams and with a total length of 3.5 cms it will see the sometimes smaller fish, like spooky bream, jungle perch and even smaller bass being far more enthusiastic to strike.
It’s essentially a soft body like the bigger brother but made of a tear-free rubber that folds down very easily exposing the hook upon strike. For guys that like to increase the hook up rate even further, a swinging treble or stinger hook can be very easily attached.
This little guy is ideal for twitching in very dense timber, thick lily pads and any other places conventional lures would end up meeting their fate! Even on a slow, straight retrieve they have a really top little walk that calls fish in from great distance.
They come in eight colours (my fave is Abura Zem) and retail around $19.99. Check ’em out at: www.searingtackle.com.au