Adding to a recent spate of unusual marine life sightings around the waters of Port Lincoln in South Australia, a large broadbill swordfish found its way into the shallow waters of the Port Lincoln Marina on Friday the 18th September.
Word spread quickly around town that a marlin was spotted in the busy marina, but as flocks of onlookers flooded to the marina, the fish was soon identified as a mature broadbill of around 300kgs.
The four metre-long swordfish was a very unusual sight in such shallow water. Broadbill swordfish are occasionally caught by commercial longline vessels fishing along the continental shelf in SA, but rarely venture to inshore waters.
The swordfish has added to a recent list of unusual sightings which has included a sunfish, leatherback turtle, dolphin fish, tailor and a high number of southern right whales. The swordfish displayed itself for a few hours in the shallow water of the marina, but hasn’t been seen since.
Pics: courtesy of Ryan Blakers from Spot On Fishing Tackle Port Lincoln.
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