
Michael Bonnici lands enormous 101kg dogtooth tuna


CONGRATULATIONS to well known Sydney angler, Michael Bonnici, who landed a 101kg dogtooth tuna in Vanuatu.

The fish was caught on a jig and raised after 20 minutes just off the island of Malekula whilst on a live-aboard trip exploring new ground with his wife Hayley aboard Ocean Blue Charters Vanuatu.

Good friend of the well known fishing couple and companion on this particular trip, Sean Tieck, said that nobody deserves this fish more than Michael who was on his fourth trip to Vanuatu and has come very close to the milestone in the past.

“I’m proud as hell of Mike. No one deserves this fish more. No one I know helps so many people out with his knowledge and skills. He’s always happy to help and if you have fished with him you know he is just as happy to put you on the fish rather than catching them himself. Was great to see him land this monster,” Tieck said..


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