FISHING TV presenter Lee Rayner is more than happy with the twin Mercury 115hp FourStroke Command Thrust outboards on his new six metre Evolution 600 Extreme.
“I nearly peed my pants when I went for a spin.” Lee said. “The performance was even better than I was hoping for.”
“The twin 115 FourStrokes are spinning a pair of 21″ props, top speed is 42 knots, the hole shot is great and fuel consumption is surprisingly good.”
The Evolution is designed to run very flat in the water, so Lee had a discussion with the experts at Mercury who suggested he go with twin 115hp Command Thrust FourStrokes.
The larger Command Thrust gearcase creates a bigger footprint in the water, which provides more leverage to control your boat. The larger torpedo, combined with a bigger-diameter prop, can lift a heavy boat onto plane more easily and hold it there at lower speeds without impacting top speed.
Lee was also impressed by the torque ‘grunt’ the 115CTs provide in the 15-25 knot range.
“To say I am stoked is an understatement.”
For its first major outing, Lee took his new Evolution trolling for tuna and it was a big day in more ways than one.
“The fuel consumption was amazing. We were trolling at seven knots and the engines were using seven litres an hour – that’s the two combined!” Lee said.
The day was crowned off with the fishers pulling in two mammoth tuna, both nudging the 100 kilo mark.
“It was a very nice way to christen the new boat,” Lee said.
‘I think these 115hp Command Thrust outboards are just perfect for this boat.”
Check out Lee at www.facebook.com/eerayner/timeline.